SMALL SERIES 30-180 tn All hylectrical machine
Clamping force: from 300kN to 1,800kN
Based on the concept of “Bringing you Maximum Performance”, we have achieved a stronger, “long life design” and “precise & stable molding” by our extensive experience.
In addition, the new controller, which is based on ergonomics and is extremely easy to use, provides advanced intelligence to meet the diverse needs of various molding factories and contributes to increased productivity.

Solution for High Productivity
Satisfaction Satisfy all your Requirements
- Equipped with energy saving assist
- Molding assist
- Various memo functions
- Simple sequence creation function
Strong Supplying satisfaction in various molds
The “flat press platen,” which compresses the entire mold uniformly, improves the dimensional accuracy of molded products, suppresses burrs, extends the life of the mold, and reduces the frequency of maintenance.
Stable Satisfaction with evolution of applications
A wide variety of screw variations, injection / holding pressure transfer mode, and various volume stabilization controls contribute to the improvement and stabilization of molded product quality.
Ανταπεξέρχεται και στις πιο δύσκολες περιπτώσεις πίεσης συγκράτησης καλουπιού.
Smart Stable Production by Advanced Intelligence
- The new controller with improved operability and functionality [SYSCOM5000i]
- Inspection and maintenance function to prevent unexpected machine stop [J-Support]
- Molding assist function that reduces the load on the operator [J-Assist]
- IoT solution [J-WiSe®]